MALAYSIA’S terrorist rehabilitation programme panel member Dr Ahmad El-Muhammady believes that it is important to get reformed former terrorist group members to take part in Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) activities.
Ahmad, a political science lecturer at the International Islamic University of Malaysia, who works closely with the authorities in curbing militant activity, says that these former members can be credible voices in persuading others to stay away from extremist ideology and radicalism.
Ahmad believes that the most effective form of rehabilitation is the right combination of soft and hard approaches.
“The hard approach includes things like detention. The soft approach is dialogue, but both must be done by separate entities,” he says.
“The hard approach is often done by the police and Prisons Department, whereas the soft approach is by non-security individuals such as NGOs, rehabilitators and people like Harris.”
Ahmad stresses that both approaches must be carried out within the country’s legal framework and aim to achieve the same goals: prevention, raising awareness, and encouraging members of the public to stay away from militancy.
He further underscores the need for society to support those who want to exit militancy.
“When someone wants to turn away from militancy, often people are suspicious of them. It should not be that way. Society must be supportive of those who want to leave that life and provide them with encouragement and necessary assistance.
“If they do not get support, they may go back to militancy as this may fortify their previous beliefs,” he says, adding that compassion and moral support can go a long way in changing the lives of former militants and help them come to terms with their sense of regret and repentance.
Full article: The Star – 1 December 2019
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